Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Did my arm fall asleep or did it fall off?

I have started to write several blogs this week. Clearly, they did not make it to the light of day.

There are a lot of contributing factors to not being able to get through a single blog post this week. If anyone is keeping count, there are 11 days left until the wedding.
If anyone is wondering, I am freaking out.

It's definitely not the marriage, I'm pretty excited to get married. This wedding, however, may be the death of me. I'm trying to focus on positives, like my friends and family all being together. The actual getting married part. Looking pretty in a dress and having Adam look ever so handsome in his suit. All good things.
I'm not too successful at it but I sure am trying. Stress is not attractive on me.

School, work and spending time with sweet baby Reed are always factors but mostly it's the fact that I've been catching up on the last season of both Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.

It's not the time of watching them. Honestly, Private Practice is on while I'm writing this. It's the fact that I've had this bizarre headache for the last five days and due to these medical shows, I'm 95 % sure that I'm dying of some sort of rare brain disorder.
It's pretty time consuming to think that you may be dying of what I can only assume is a fictional brain disease that can only be cured by the possibly-dead from a gunshot wound Dr. Derek Shepherd.

So let me (and my friend Heather whose husband has forbidden her from watching House after she was convinced of many medical abnormalities between her and her children) serve as a cautionary tale for anyone out there who may think of picking up medical shows as a habit:
Tread lightly, friends. It's not something to be taken lightly. Therapy and medication are rarely helpful and there are extreme emotional attachments that are formed with the characters. The will-they/won't they of Meredith & Derek caused many a cookie dough eating spree.

All of that being said, my headache is really terrible and its a weird one so if there are any neurologists that happen to read my blog, holla.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Alright, I have a tiny confession...

I'm not being boastful when I say this but I'm pretty thrifty. Frugal, one might say. I clip coupons, I buy in bulk on sale, I sell books and clothes in order to buy new ones, I put a percentage of every school refund check & paycheck into savings.

In short, I'd call myself fiscally responsible.

HOWEVER. I'm not immune to what I, and many others, refer to as the impulse buy. I'm guilty of the People Magazine and US Weekly at the grocery store if the cover looks particularly juicy, every now and again. But by far, the most egregious offense that I have in this category is the purchase of television on DVD. 

It's awful, but I do it once a year when the new releases hit and I realize that I just have to catch up on whatever show is premiering in two weeks but I fell behind on watching due to whatever circumstance. 

I'm confessing this, dear blogger friends, because I've fallen victim to this financial vice once again. And by falling victim, I mean I didn't exert any amount of willpower or responsibility. 

I purchased season six of Grey's Anatomy on DVD. 

Judge if you will, but it was on sale. And if you're not familiar, a lot of shit went down this season on Grey's and I can't go into season 7, which I won't miss because of our pretty pretty dvr, without knowing all the drama of Meredith Grey and Co. 

And hey, at least I kept up with The Office last season or I'd have to pick between the two shows. 

And who's making that easy choice, Sophie?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Almost-Wife, Interrupted

i know, i've been super remiss about the blog lately.
i wish i could blame this entirely on school starting, work, needing time for baby reed and Adam, ect. 
In reality,  it's largely because my laptop is still hijacked nightly after reed goes to sleep so Adam can play his online games.

Apparently, all the xbox games aren't that interesting lately.

I hope this has somewhat come to an end. 
With 23 days left until the wedding (not that I'm counting), Adam & I had a come to Jesus talk about our relationship and how we spend our time. Not suprisingly, the time he spends playing games, both video & board, were on my list. 
And i think we came to an agreeable compromise. 

speaking of the wedding, after that conversation with Adam, it began to dawn on me that this wedding I'd been planning for the past few months was going to result in an actual marriage. 
the idea of being married in the abstract has never really appealed to me. that's probably some combination of the 6 failed marriages between my 3 parents and an inaccurate view of what being a wife is (think Donna Reed). If I'd never met Adam, I'd probably graduate and promptly become married to my career and my girlfriends.
being married to Adam though? I'll admit, I'm pretty excited to be Mrs. Hinson (except I won't technically be until after I graduate) and to have Adam as my husband.

For most people, when they get married, something changes. They honeymoon, they move in together or they buy a house together or they start to think of kids. Or something.
But for me and Adam? Seemingly, nothing is going to change. We may score some new bedding and dishware, but we've done all of the above (minus the honeymoon, which we won't be doing any time soon- stupid school year).

And that knowledge is making me listless. 
I always thought when Adam and I finally got around to getting hitched, it would be the first step of many in moving forward. Getting big-kid jobs, moving out of Memphis, buying a house, giving reed the little brother (ok, maybe sister too) he wants. 

For now, we're stuck in the "Raquel's still in school limbo" which I've managed to make longer by not being able to figure out what I want to do with my career until after I'd decided on something else.

Oh well, at least I get to spend my life, limbo or no, with this adorably goofy man.

the whining portion of the blog is over for the evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm settling in to do clerical wedding work and listen to the Glee soundtrack on grooveshark

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A New Addition to the Family :)

I'm a few days late but homework took off and we had a lot going on this weekend.

My brother David and his lovely wife Dara welcomed their first child this week.
Lucas Keaton Holdford
Born on September 1, 2010 at 8:05 am
7 pounds, 11 ounces. 21 inches long.

If you can't tell by the picture, he is absolutely perfect. As I'm writing this, I miss him. 
But I'm trying to remember that he's Dara & David's baby and I don't get to steal him whenever I want tiny baby snuggles and kisses.

Luke, or Wuke as your older cousin Reed calls you, welcome to the world. You have a crazy but wonderful family and we all love you more than words can express :)

talking to sweet baby luke

reed said hi baby wuke. i was a little bit excited.

with both of his grandpa's

Excited Uncle Adam. Isn't he adorable with babies?

Happy Sunday Funday Everyone :)